Engaging College Histories

Bryn Mawr的使命宣言肯定了我们的承诺“反思并努力建立公平, open and welcoming institutional structures, values, and culture.“挖掘和处理学院历史的各个方面——它遥远的过去, its recent past, 它的存在代表了我们完成这一重要使命的一个重要途径.

正是这种大胆的愿景促成了布林莫尔的成立,尤其是在M. Carey Thomas, 既体现了解放的潜力,也体现了19世纪晚期进步运动的深刻矛盾特征——包括托马斯对优生学和白人至上主义的拥护.  In spring 2017, 前校长金·卡西迪宣布成立一个历史工作组,由本科学院院长詹妮弗·沃尔特斯召集,研究排斥和抵抗的历史, in the College’s past. 该小组负责就学院应该如何认可创始院长和第二任院长提出建议. Carey Thomas, including in the names of iconic campus spaces, 以及这种认可对校园的影响,特别是对那些在托马斯的种族主义政策下被排除在外的社区成员的影响.  After considering the Working Group’s report, 董事会于2018年7月宣布,学院原来的图书馆将被称为旧图书馆,而不是M. Carey Thomas Library. 

In 2018-2019, Former President Kim Cassidy charged two groups of students, faculty, 和工作人员(讲述历史工作组和历史基础设施工作组)进一步制定有关建筑的建议, strategies, 和资源,以便进一步探索和讲述学院的历史. These recommendations have led to establishing an ongoing History Advisory Committee; additional support for student research through Praxis coursework and internships; and proposals to develop exhibits and other public markers to share important stories of and from the College’s past (see below).

In response to the recommendations of the Telling Histories Working Group, Bryn Mawr在2020-2021年启动了两个机构项目,以创建一个更具包容性的学院历史账户. These projects are ongoing. 

  • With support from the Special Collections department of Library & Information Technology Services and the President’s Office, the College is mounting the pilot of a multi-part exhibit, “Who Built Bryn Mawr?” The exhibit seeks to provide a fuller account of the variety of students, staff, and faculty whose contributions shaped the College, 并邀请学生通过暑期研究或课程作业参与项目的未来阶段.
  • The College is partnering with Monument Lab, a non-profit public art and history studio, on the ARCH project, 这是一项多年的合作,旨在设计一个过程,并委托一个持久的校园公共艺术品,以回应学院排他性做法的遗产. 

In 2018, 校董会核准了历史工作组和讲述历史工作组的建议. 董事会正在审查学院已经完成的工作,并计划在讲述其历史,以衡量哪些是有效的,哪些是可以做的,以实现在学院的使命中概述的目标.

Additional Past and Current Projects

Since 2013-2014, many students, 教职员工进行了由学院支持的研究项目,以了解和分享有关种族主义和其他形式的排斥在学院历史上所起作用的知识.  Major projects undertaken over the past seven years include:

  • A Point of Difference: Diversity at Bryn Mawr College. 一个在线展览汇编在2013-14年由亚历克西斯德拉罗莎' 15和劳伦Footman ' 14揭示和贡献洞察布林茅尔学生的经历, faculty, and staff from Africa and the African Diaspora.
  • 黑人在布林莫尔——作为遗产和项目的过去:重新记住推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的黑人经历. An award-winning 2015 student research project, exhibit, virtual tour, and blog originally created by Emma Kioko ‘15 and Grace Pusey ’15, 主要关注黑人学生和黑人教工在学院的历史.
    以这项研究为基础的布林茅尔黑人之旅随后得到了几位学生领袖的支持和扩大, including Jada Ceasar ’20 and Khari Bowman ’21.  学院通过彭斯比社区发展和包容中心为旅游协调员提供支持和津贴. 
    The Tour was made part of required programming for new students, 许多学术和行政部门都参加了这次旅游.
  • “In Black and White.” 这篇2015年《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》的文章讲述了第一批在布林莫尔大学学习的黑人学生的历史,作者是前副首席信息官和平等机会官弗洛伦斯·戈夫.
  • 《我们是/我们一直是:推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜LGBT经历的多元线性历史, 1970-2000.  这个研究项目和在线展览是由布伦娜列维廷' 16主办的阿尔伯特M. Greenfield Digital Center for the History of Women's Education.
  • Re-Vision: Archiving Black Experiences at Bryn Mawr.  This exhibit 由Alexis Wiltshire ' 17创造了一种对话方式,在这种方式中,黑人学生的经历和那些散居海外的非洲人的经历在大学档案中得到了体现, and what students wished to represent about themselves.
  • The Perry House Oral History Project, 由图书馆及资讯服务部提供的数码奖学金资助, seeks to build an oral history of Perry House, 从1973年到2012年,这里是黑人文化中心和学生宿舍的所在地.  由彭斯比包容与社区发展中心的工作人员提供支持, Enid Cook ’31 Center, and College Archivist Allison Mills, 学生们已经进行了12项口述历史的初步研究,并于2021年2月启动了该项目的网站.
  • For Roses, Too: During 2020-2021, 学院为举办一个展览提供支持,以庆祝工业女工暑期学校成立一百周年, which took place at Bryn Mawr most years between 1921-1938.  Beck Morawski ' 21与学院档案馆合作研究和设计展览, which is also shared in the Alumnae Bulletin. 
  • A timeline of Black and Latinx student activism was published in the Spring 2021 Alumnae Bulletin, which was edited by leaders of Tapestry, an affinity group for alumnae/i of color.
  • Who Built Bryn Mawr?, a project that seeks to recognize the wide range of alumnae/i, faculty, and staff who have made important contributions to building Bryn Mawr, was launched in 2020-21. Work is underway to develop annual exhibits.

Those interested in opportunities to explore College histories should visit College Archives, College History Projects, and Digital Archive Collection.



Related Contacts

The Impact Center for Community, Equity, and Understanding

Campus Partnership for Equity and Anti-Racism
联合召集人:Dee Matthews(创意写作)和Ann-Therese Ortíz(影响中心)